About Us
Pasha Music Production
Pasha Music Production, founded in 1997 by Alfred Surenyan, orignally formed as a music service and music education company. Alfred Surenyan offered a wide veriaty of services including music prep on Finale, music recording and editing with Pro Tools and Logic Pro, digtial transfers from physical media to digital video and audio. Under the heading as QT Pasha Publishing, Pasha Music served as a publishing company for the original compositions of Alfred Surenyan.
It also served as a means for music education. Alfred Surenyan has taught through Pasha Music in the areas of piano, music theory/ composition, music production, and various workshops.
Pasha Music Production, now has expanded under the arm of Zela Music Group, Inc (owned and operated by Alfred Surenyan) as a company that produces music, live productions of classical music. Services now include rental of Pro Audio equipment and contracting musicians. Pasha Music Prodcuton is also planning on producing music for education, such as a High School and College Music Festival for concert bands, orchestra, chamber ensembles and various training ensembles as a means of performance experience for the youth.
Pasha Music Production is a division of Zela Music Group, Inc.
Pasha Music Production © 2024 is a division of Zela Music Group Inc.